I am an author, poet, playwright, and inclusion advocate. As a college professor, I published numerous research articles and ten nonfiction books. I also co-wrote an award-winning play, iDream. My poetry appears in my poetic memoir Ordinary Time (Kelsay Books, 2023), as well as in print and online journals, and in several anthologies. After an academic career that took me to Pittsburgh, Boston, State College, PA, and several countries, I now live with my spouse, Kathy Driehaus, in our hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Announcing ...
Ordinary Time
My first poetry collection is now available! Ordinary Time, is a poetic memoir about spiritual and physical nurturing, and resilience. It is presented through the lens of a mother-daughter relationship and the shift in caregiving roles at the end of my mother’s life.

To purchase your own printed copy from Kelsay Books please click
To purchase your own printed copy from Amazon please click
To learn more about the background to this book and the inspiration to write it, check out my article “On Writing My Poetic Memoir” that is available at Women Writers, Women’s Books http://booksbywomen.org/on-writing-my-poetic-memoir/
Featured Reading
Saturday, April 6, 2024 - The inaugural Saturday Literary Salon
Here is a video of my reading from Ordinary Time (Kelsay Books, 2023).

Handbook of Gender and Technology: Environment, Identity, Individual
Check out my new co-edited book with Professor Jeria Quesenberry, Carnegie-Mellon University: Handbook of Gender and Technology: Environment, Identity, Individual (Edward Elgar, 2023). Gender experts from around the world contributed chapters to our effort to address the gender gap in technology fields.
To purchase your own printed or electronic copy please click

Founder Leadership Award
I am so happy to have received this Founder Leadership Award from the Association for Information Systems, Social Inclusion special interest group. Now more than ever, we need to work on social inclusion in the tech fields!

Award Winning Research Paper
My research paper with Professor Regina Connolly at Dublin City University, “Investigating the Nature of Change in Factors Affecting Gender Equality in the IT Sector: A Longitudinal Study of Women in Ireland" (MIS Quarterly, 45, 4, 2055-2100), was selected by the Responsible Research in Business and Management network (https://www.rrbm.network) for inclusion in their “Honor Roll” of research with credible societal impact. This recognition is for publications that exemplify research that is both rigorous and relevant.
Martha Trauth Social Justice Education Endowment
If you have a particular interest in social justice issues, check out the new Martha Trauth Social Justice Education Endowment speaker series at the University of Missouri Newman Center. It was established in honor of my mother Martha Trauth, whose life was dedicated to social justice causes. https://comonewman.breezechms.com/give/online